Ophthalmologist in Copenhagen

Open today: 8am - 16pm

Open tomorrow: 8am

ICL Lenses

Get good vision with ICL eye surgery

If you have a major vision defect, or your corneas are too thin for laser surgery, then at the Ophthalmologists’ Center we can offer you an ICL eye surgery, which can quickly help you get good vision. An ICL eye operation can correct farsightedness, nearsightedness and/or astigmatism.

With an ICL eye surgery, you get a lens implant that gives you high-quality vision. We have the necessary high-tech and professional equipment as well as the experience to perform your ICL eye surgery, and in just seconds your vision will be corrected with the lens implant. The ICL eye surgery is painless and only requires a very short recovery time.

  • We help you get good vision
  • We have a strong focus on safety throughout the entire process
  • We use the safest and most modern methods and do it at the highest professional level.
Booked a feasibility study and got a thorough one of a kind

“I put away my glasses before the surgery and have never needed them since. I can read the smallest font on my mobile, expiration date on a milk carton and have no fat fingers on spectacle lenses … and above all: no addiction to reading aids – never again.”

– Jan Dupont

The country’s leading eye surgeons

Når du kommer til os for at få foretaget en ICL øjenoperation, bliver du mødt af et yderst kompetent og omsorgsfuldt team, som vil give dig alle nødvendige informationer og sætte dig grundigt ind i behandlingen. Du bliver inddraget på en forståelig måde, og du kan føle dig helt tryg og rolig ved behandlingen. Øjenkirurgerne hos os er blandt de absolut førende i landet, og de har alle en stor viden om og erfaring med øjenkirurgi. Vi har udført øjenoperationer et utal af gange, og vi gør altid vores ypperste for at gøre dig afslappet og tilpas ved behandlingen.

Vi ved, at dit syn er yderst vigtigt for dig, og vi tager dig og dit syn meget alvorligt. En ICL øjenoperation ved Øjenlægernes Center hjælper dig hurtigt og skånsomt af med din synsfejl, hvis dine øjne ikke egner sig til en almindelig laseroperation.

Du er altid meget velkommen til at kontakte os, hvis du gerne vil høre mere om mulighederne for en ICL øjenoperation. Vi fortæller meget gerne mere om behandlingen og lytter til dine ønsker til en øjenoperation.

Your way to better vision

Feel safe throughout the process


Preliminary study

During the preliminary examination, your eyesight and eyes are carefully measured with the market’s most advanced equipment to determine whether you are suitable for lens surgery. The examination lasts approximately 2 hours.


Preparation for the operation

The day before or on the day of surgery, we recommend that you take a shower, wash your face and remove eye make-up. Our staff goes over what needs to happen and answers your questions.


The operation

In the operating room, the doctor and nurse perform the operation using microscopes as well as technical equipment and instruments.


After the operation

After surgery, our experienced staff will give you detailed instructions on the aftercare to ensure a comfortable and trouble-free healing process. We are here to support you.

Hear eye surgeon Sven talk about the process from start to finish

We help you with better vision

At Copenhagen Eye Centre (Øjenlægernes Center) you will meet an experienced and dedicated team of surgeons who work with a high and uncompromising professionalism in all eye treatments. We aim for a personal and safe environment for all our patients, and we make a point of having a clear dialogue with you about your procedure. You are in the best hands when you choose us.

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