Ophthalmic examination
Ophthalmologist with short waiting time in Copenhagen
At the Copenhagen Eye Centre (Øjenlægernes Center) it’s possible to have a thorough examination by an experienced eye doctor. It requires special instruments and measuring equipment as well as many years of experience to be able to diagnose and treat eye diseases, which isn’t possible for the ordinary doctor or the optometrist to offer.
If you wish to book an eye-doctor examination, you can do this using your CPR-number and MitID. Price range from 1.000 DKK to 1.400 DKK.
If you don’t have a CPR-number and MitID, you can call or e-mail us.
If you wish to book a preliminary examination regarding your desire for freedom from glasses and contact lenses, as well as an eyelid surgery, you can contact us through the
button below.
By own payment on the day
(from DKK 1,000)
Via health insurance
(we work with most insurance companies)
Via a hospital referral
(when activating a treatment guarantee, e.g. for cataracts)
Experienced specialists
If you have an unresolved or recurring eye problem, we can carry out a qualified examination with a short waiting time. It may be that you want a “second opinion”, that you want to have a professional eye test carried out, have a recurring red eye, your vision is blurred or something completely different.
Public ophthalmologists (ophthalmologists with an external number, where examinations are paid for via health insurance) often have a long waiting time, and we offer a professional ophthalmologist examination in Copenhagen with a short waiting time. You will be examined by one of our experienced specialists, and both of our modern clinics have the best equipment for diagnosis and treatment.
If you have had unresolved or recurring eye problems for a long time, it is a good idea to contact us.
Safe environments
Hear from our happy and satisfied customers
Det er intet mindre end fantastisk, jeg føler mine øjne har fået en vinduespolering så klart og tydeligt ser jeg igen.
Alt har været perfekt, trygt og smertefrit med et dygtigt kompetent personale, som modtager dig i de smukkeste og behagelige omgivelser.
Jeg kan kun give stedet min varmeste anbefaling, det er livskvalitet på højt plan.
Gennem hele processen fik jeg alt det nødvendige information jeg havde brug for, og samtidig blev alle mine spørgsmål også besvaret hvilket var med til en beroligende oplevelse.
Sven og resten af personalet er super venlige og meget dygtige.
Jeg har ingen problemer haft med mine øjne og jeg ser helt perfekt.
Kæmpe anbefaling herfra
En varm anbefaling herfra! 🙂