
What do our customers say?

We are the private European eye center that has performed the most ReLEx SMILE/SMILE treatments. Most of our SMILE-treated customers are pleasantly surprised by “how little severe the treatment was” and how good the result is. After the treatment, many say “It was the psychological pressure before and during the treatment that was the worst.” Furthermore, we perform the most advanced lens surgery at the highest level, and here too, most customers are pleasantly surprised by the result.


Triatlet Rasmus Petræus

Contact lenses bothered the training

Rasmus is one of the country’s absolute best triathletes with several victories in major international competitions. His big dream is that the discipline will be on the Olympic program, and that he will represent Denmark at the world’s largest sporting event. He had always used contact lenses in training and in competitions, but the lenses had started to bother him quite a lot.

Recommends the SMILE-treatment.

“The SMILE-treatment was largely without discomfort and already after two days I slowly resumed training. The process at Øjenlægernes Center was really professional and can only be recommended”.

Emma Marie Wael

Thank you so much for a super good treatment

“I showed up at Øjenlægernes Center in Charlottenlund, where I had a thorough examination of my eyes and my vision – I had both building defects and I was farsighted. My vision was very poor without glasses, and lenses were – after many futile attempts – not an option. Since I am an elite swimmer, my poor eyesight was really a disadvantage – both for training and for competitions.

I was able to take a break from my training around Christmas – and therefore Sven Asp performed a laser surgery on December 23rd. I thought it would be a very “colorless” Christmas – but already the next day I saw quite clearly – and after 4 weeks I was in the water again and started training.

I can see everything now! Sharp and clear! I have not had any complications at all in connection with the operation and am so happy about my new vision, which far exceeds my expectations. Thanks!”

Eye surgeon Martin, Aarhus

Prefered the SMILE Technique over the lasik “patch”

Eye surgeon Martin, 37 years old and from Aarhus, had for several years considered having his vision defect laser-treated due to increasing discomfort with lens use, but had hesitated as he was not excited about having a LASIK “patch” made. When he had seen the results for a long time (and very close) after the SMILE-treatments at the Department of Ophthalmology at Aarhus University Hospital, he had no doubt that it was the SMILE technique that should be used and that it was the eye surgeon Sven Asp who should carry out the treatment.

“As a professional eye surgeon, I am completely dependent on good eyesight, and that was also why I researched ALL options before deciding who should treat me and with which technique. The SMILE-treatment was almost without any discomfort and extremely professional. At the last check I saw 120% uncorrected with each eye and my vision is really good. Throughout the period, I have been able to perform my cataract surgeries without any problems, and I can, based on my own experience without hesitation, warmly recommend Øjenlægernes Center. They delivered a very nice SMILE-result by virtue of their great professionalism, friendliness and friendly appearance. They know something that only a few can offer at the highest level, and at the same time it is just reassuring to be treated by Denmark’s most active, full-time professional laser surgeon and SMILE European Champion”.


All in all, I'm still satisfied 7 years later

“I had been wearing glasses for 4 years and could not get used to them. Then I heard about the possibility of this procedure and I did not think long before I made contact. It was my eyewear store that recommended me Øjenlægernes Center as they had only heard good about it.

Of course I had butterflies in my stomach before the operation, because the eye is a vulnerable sense and it is not so often you get touched in the eyes that way. When I sat in the reception after I had the procedure done, I had the most crazy experience, when I tried to put my glasses on, I couldn’t see anything with them on, but when I took the glasses off and looked at them I could read it small tiny writing on the side of the spectacle bar.

I experienced a very light and nice tone, a professionalism and I met a professional individual who took his time and knew what he was talking about, it’s what made it safe for me.”

Former National Football Player Bjørn Kristensen

Everyday life is just easier

The former nationalteam player and foreign professional footballer with a past in AGF, Newcastle and Portsmouth, among others, Bjørn Kristensen is incredibly happy to finally be able to throw away his glasses and contact lenses. He was convinced to have surgery because he knew a lot of people who had already had the surgery.

“Of course I was nervous before the treatment, but it was all done professionally and calmly, and I felt pretty much nothing along the way. Everyday life is just easier when there is no need for glasses, even if I still reach for them in the morning.”

Michelle Sofie Lage

I enjoy it every single day

“It’s been 8 years since I had my SMILE laser surgery at Øjenlægernes Center, and I enjoy it every single day. It has given me enormous freedom not to have to think about contact lenses and glasses. I struggled a lot with dry eyes due to the lenses, and I have completely got rid of the nuisances after my operation. Before the operation I was a little nervous and at the same time a little skeptical about how the result would be. But there was no reason for that. I got some very thorough pre-examinations and the operation itself was very quickly over. I felt very safe and the result was above all expectations. My vision is still at its peak and I can only recommend others to do so.”

Alexander P. Frederiksen

Got told I would have wear glasses for the rest of my life

“I decided that I should have my eyes treated and first contacted my optician, who judged that this could not be done with my building defect, so I had to settle for having to wear glasses and contact lenses for the rest of my life.

I did not give up and visited a private clinic that recommended me to go to the public, where I found out that not only was it said to be doable, but that I could even get it paid for, due to the strength of my building defect. They recommended me to Øjenlægernes Center in Copenhagen via the free choice of hospital, and it is now 3 weeks since I had my laser surgery, which I had originally been told could not be done. My vision is now and completely flawless, perfect 6 out of 6.

I am very happy with the result, and incredibly happy that I finally get rid of dry eyes at the end of the work day.”

Jan Dupont

Never needed glasses since the operation

“I was about to buy new glasses with greater strengths and new contact lenses. I was gradually tired of not being able to read the expiration date on a milk or text on my mobile, without glasses or contact lenses. I wore contact lenses during the day and switched to glasses in the evening when my eyes became dry and annoyed. In the evening when I had put away my glasses, messages on the phone were ignored as I could not read them anyway. When I was out eating, I waited to order food until the others had told me what was on the menu. It just did not work out in the end, as my friends gradually have the same challenge of being able to read in a bad light.

Something had to be done. I was bombarded with advertisements for glasses and eye surgery, and went to a pre-examination at one of the major providers in Denmark. I received a good and competent treatment, but felt that I had arrived at a factory. One of my friends had researched who had the greatest experience in Denmark with lens surgery, and found Øjenlægernes Center.

I booked a pre-examination and got a thorough one, and was found suitable for a lens operation. It turned out that it was even cheaper here, so I decided to go for it. My surgery was on a Thursday in December. I was a little nervous about what could happen. I put away my glasses before the surgery and have never needed them since. I can read the smallest font on my mobile, expiration date on a milk carton and have no fat fingers on spectacle lenses … and above all: no addiction to reading aids – never again.”

Radio host and speaker, Mads Vangsø

One of Europe's most experienced laser surgeons

Radio host and speaker Mads Vangsø had to row across the Atlantic, as part of the 5000 km rowing race Talisker Whiskey Atlantic Challenge.

“For many years I had wanted to get rid of my “bucket stone glasses”, but no eye surgeon dared to embark on the somewhat complicated project. In connection with the rowing race across the Atlantic, spectacle independence is absolutely crucial, and after thorough research, I found out that Sven is one of Europe’s most experienced laser surgeons. Now here, two months after the operation, I am very relieved that the sight is in place before the big rowing adventure, and can warmly recommend Øjenlægernes Center and Sven Asp”.

Louise Irlund, Roskilde

The nervousness was put to shame

“I have wanted to get rid of my contact lenses for many years, as daily use of contact lenses gave me certain inconveniences, such as dry and irritated eyes, but I have been too nervous to have a laser operation. However, I eventually decided that I would contact an eye surgeon I could share my concerns regarding surgery with.

I therefore researched the market and chose to contact Øjenlægernes Center as they had the best reviews. They were incredibly good at listening to me and explaining to me what an operation would entail. I can only say that my concerns were put to shame. The staff was so competent and professional. I felt safe and informed throughout the process.

The following days my eyes were a little dry and my eye-vision was a bit blurred, nothing of major importance and I was able to resume my normal everyday life already the day after the operation. A week later my eye-vision was absolutely perfect.

This operation has meant that I get up in the morning and have a perfect eye-vision, which is completely unreal to me and has surpassed my wildest imagination. The only thing I regret now is that I did not contact them many years ago. It could have saved me an incredible amount of money and inconvenience.”

Terry, Colorado, USA

Read articles about Øjenlægernes Center's SMILE technique

Terry, 58, had for many years considered having laser surgery on his large visual defect of approx. -9 D, but had given up the LASIK method due to the LASIK “patch”. He read a couple of our articles on the SMILE technique and at the same time found out that Øjenlægernes Center has some of the world’s leading SMILE researchers affiliated who possess the absolute greatest SMILE experience.

He then flew to Denmark to get SMILE-treatment.

After email correspondence, he flew from Colorado to Denmark solely to get a SMILE-treatment with us, and part of the process could be experienced in the evening news on DR1. After returning to Colorado, he manages everyday life without glasses, and he wrote the following letter to us.

“Dear Dr. Asp

This letter is a sincere expression of thankfulness for the performance of your work. I am grateful that my eyesight has been restored without the need of visual aids such as glasses or contacts. Thank you for the personal care and attention that you gave to me. I was able to be comfortable and relaxed before, during and after the surgical procedure.

Your staff is well trained, knowledgeable, accommodating and friendly. You and they exhibited common courtesy and professionalism. I was certainly a benefactor of your combined skills, abilities and capacities. May you have continued and prosperous success in your field of expertise.

Thank you very much.”