
How much does eye surgery cost?

The prices depend on the treatment, and we have divided our eye surgeries into 3 categories: Laser treatments, lens surgery, and eyelid surgery. Below you will find an overview of our prices in the different categories, and you will also find the prices for a regular eye doctor examination, pre-examination for laser and lens treatment, as well as other services.

The Eye Doctors Center is a private clinic. Therefore, it is not possible to consult our eye doctor under the public health insurance. A consultation costs from 1,000 DKK, and everyone is welcome – we have almost no waiting time.

You will also be able to read more about our financing solution, which is Denmark’s cheapest. As a rule, our prices cover treatment of both eyes unless otherwise stated. If you are a member of Sygesikring Danmark, it should be investigated whether it is possible to receive a subsidy for the treatment. You are always welcome to contact us if you would like a price estimate for a special eye operation that is not listed in our prices.

Eye examination

Standard eye examination
Extended eye examination
(i.e. glaucoma, AMD)
Secondary cataract
2.500 DKK/eye
Pre examination lens
(refunding after payment of full treatment price)
Pre examination laser
(refunding after payment of full treatment price)
Pre eye examination (Eye souroundings)
(refunding after payment of full treatment price)
Examination for dry eyes
IPL light treatment for dry eyes
Chalazion (hailstone) removal
Pterygium (Surfers Eye)
Second opinion after eyelid surgery elsewhere
Specialist doctor's statement
Various certificates (BaneDK and others)

Laser treatment

(one eye 13.500 DKK)
(incl WaveFront) (one eye 15.000 kr)
ReLEx smile
(one eye 18.000 kr)
Student discount (can not be combined with other discounts)
2.000 kr ved behandling af to øjne

Lens surgery

Cataract non toric*
(one eye 14.000 DKK)
Cataract toric*
(one eye 16.500 DKK)
RLE monofocal
(one eye 18.000 DKK)
RLE multifocal
(one eye 28.000 DKK)
(one eye 26.000 DKK)
(one eye 24.000 DKK)
ICL toric
(one eye 25.000 DKK)
Special operation
Get an offer
* Toric = building defect

Eyelid Surgery

Surgery for Loose Skin on Upper Eyelids
(with or without fat removal) (one side 8,500 DKK)
Surgery for Bags under the Eyes
(with or without fat removal) (one side 10,000 DKK)
Removal of Loose Skin on Both Upper and Lower Eyelids
(under-eye bags) (same-day discount 3,500 DKK)
Surgery for Heavy Eyebrows (eyebrow lift), external technique
(one side 10,000 DKK)
Eyebrow Lift and Simultaneous Removal of Loose Skin on Upper Eyelids
(same-day discount 3,500 DKK)
Surgery for Droopy Upper Eyelids (ptosis)
(one side 15,000 DKK)
Tear Duct Surgery for Sagging Lower Eyelids (canthopexy)
(one side 10,000 DKK)

Financing your treatment

Øjenlægernes Center has been given the opportunity to offer our customers DK’s cheapest financing solution. With a loan from Resurs Bank, it is possible for you to split your payment over a longer period, with a fixed monthly rate. You easily apply from here and you can decide whether you want to repay DKK 399, DKK 499 or DKK 999 per month. No matter how much you choose to borrow, your monthly expense is fixed. It provides total budget security.

It's easy

  1. Choose the amount you want to borrow and how much you want to repay per month
  2. Press "Ansøg nu"
  3. Fill out the application form
  4. You will receive a response to your application, directly afterwards 24/7
  5. Sign the loan agreement with your NEMid
  6. You will now receive an account number on SMS/Email, which you must bring as payment to the clinic
  7. It is only a credit approval you are applying for, until you have paid at the clinic you have not committed to anything.

BE AWARE: Please note that in order to obtain the variable debt interest rate and APR stated in your loan application, it is important that you pay your bills on time, otherwise interest will be credited to your account. You can read more about this in your credit agreement, which is available on MineSider at

At Copenhagen Eye Centre (Øjenlægernes Center) it is not possible to be consulted by an eye doctor under public health insurance. A consultation costs from DKK 1,000, and everyone is welcome - we have little to no waiting time.

*Both eyes included in the price unless otherwise stated.

Eyelids: DKK 9,000 (two eyelids), ophthalmologist examination of DKK 1,000 is deducted when paying full price
Barley grain/hail grain: DKK 3,500
Specialist statement: DKK 6,000
Various certificates (BaneDanmark and others): DKK 3,000

Attractive financing

Øjenlægernes Center has the opportunity to provide our customers with Denmarks cheapest financing solution (For people living in Denmark).

Are you a member of Sygeforsikring Danmark?

It’s a good idea to explore your options for subsidies for your treatment. (For people living in Denmark)

Student discount of DKK 2,000

When presenting a valid student card, a student discount of DKK 2,000 is given for lens treatment of two eyes (DKK 1,000 per eye). Can not be combined with other discounts.