Multifocal lenses



At the age of 45-50, it becomes more difficult to see at a short distance. It is called presbyopia.

The reason is that over time the eye's lens becomes less flexible and cannot adapt to different distances to the same degree as before. For a person with normal vision, this means that the eye can no longer focus at close range, but instead sees excellently at a long distance.

The eye loses its ability to zoom in and out (accommodation ability). Lens surgery is mostly offered to those customers who already have presbyopia or emerging presbyopia or cataracts.
A lens surgery can significantly increase your quality of life and make you independent of glasses.

The technique for the correction of presbyopia is called RLE (refractive lens exchange) or PreLex operation (presbyopic lens exchange) and is basically the same as cataract, which is one of the world's most frequently performed operations.

At Øjenlægernes Center, we can offer you an RLE operation with the groundbreaking Multifocal lenses. It allows you to see things clearly again without glasses - both at a distance, at a mid-range distance and very close. With the Multifocal lens you can get a good view at all distances.

A multi-power lens has not just two - but three - focal points, which make it possible to see clearly both when reading, driving or sitting at the computer. The multifocal lens is made up of rings with several different refractions, which makes it possible to focus at all distances.

This means that the light sent through the lens forms three (trifocal) sharp images on the retina. One image is for distance vision, the other for reading and intermediate distance. The brain itself selects the image to be used. In this way, the Multifocal lenses can make you spectacle-free through lens surgery.

Worth knowing about Multifocal lens surgeries

  • We usually operate on both eyes on the same day.
  • The operation is a routine procedure.
  • It is an outpatient procedure with a drop of anesthetic
  • Most people resume work after 3-4 days
  • 90% will be spectacle-free for the rest of their lives
  • The operation possibly removes cataracts and this will never occur afterwards.
  • After the operation, the reading vision usually becomes sharpest quickly, but the vision at a distance can be experienced as a bit blurred until the brain has become accustomed to the lenses.
  • The sight may eventually again become blurred and due to so-called "post-cataract" or "PCO". This is treated very simply with yag laser in the clinic. The treatment is outpatient and free.
  • Studies in the United States have shown that more than 80 percent of patients operated on with multi-strength lenses manage completely without glasses and 94 percent of these are satisfied with the achieved vision quality after surgery.
  • Some patients experience when driving that they see a bright ring (glare) around the headlights of oncoming cars and from other light sources. It is usually a minor discomfort and usually subsides with time.
  • The distributing the light over several focal points causes a certain loss of contrast. This means that a little more light is needed to achieve the same contrast in the image - on the other hand, you now do not need glasses.